Starting from 2013 Accademia Romana Kendo is sponsored by:
I.R.T.E.T. Srl
Leader firm in the sector of Information and Communication Technology it takes care of industrial and private electrical systems and phone and telecommunication lines. Its activity is mainly oriented toward big clients for what concerns advice during project phase, direction and ordinary or extraordinary maintenance of realized plants.
You can visit sponsor website at www.irtet.it
Quick thinking and action, maximum allegiance and solid values associate I.R.T.E.T. Srl and Accademia Romana Kendō ASD.
I.R.T.E.T. Srl, to who are addressed the heartfelt greetings of ARK Roma, provided GIVOVA equipment graphically personalized. The supplied kit left everyone favourably moved for its quality and completeness.

In the picture above: a component of the agonistic
team wearing white "representative" suit.

Queste pagine sono la versione inglese del sito dell'ARK Roma [vai»]
Trial Trainings
The first three trainings for all the beginners are to be considered for trials and completely free of charge: CONTACT US
before coming for training.